Valuation Analytics provides business, share and intangible asset valuation services, primarily for UK tax and strategic purposes. These include valuations for Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax and Probate purposes. Our team and their opinions are recognised and valued by lawyers, accountants, commercial entities and long-standing clients alike.

Businesses require valuation experts who are familiar with a variety of tax regimes and appreciate factors affecting individual industries, markets and economies, and Valuation Analytics prides itself on meeting these requirements

Valuation Analytics’ basis of charging is extremely competitive, especially in the context of the charges for a similar level of expertise that might be found in large firms of Chartered Accountants and the like.

For every valuation, we are happy to discuss the size and scope of the work on a no-cost basis, prior to agreeing on a mutually acceptable basis for charging. We then appoint a valuation consultant most suited and able to serve an individual valuation requirement - with full support always available from the rest of our team - and put in place a comprehensive letter of engagement.